Liberatory Exchanges

Virtual dialogues to lift up critical consciousness around race, power, and oppression so that we can aspire to a more just, equitable world.


Learn more about this image, Girl with Balloon, by Banksy

Transformation starts with me and you.

To work toward justice, it is essential to understand how oppression shows up in everyday life, in each of us as individuals and within our institutions. There is a web of interchanging systems that operate in ways we see but mostly in ways we do not see. Those advantaged by these systems have an important role to play. To do so, these advantages and privileges need to be revealed and the blindspots illuminated. Many well-intentioned people who want social change oftentimes perpetuate the same systems they are trying to break without even knowing it. This is where we can start — commit to developing a Liberatory Consciousness.


 About the Exchanges.

The purpose of the “Liberatory Exchanges” is to provide a gentle, creative and courageous space to connect and engage with others committed to unpacking our individual roles influenced by the Cycle of Socialization. The 90-minute exchanges are held by Zoom and utilize a technique that includes and unleashes everyone. Each exchange will have a theme that targets awareness building and sense-making through individual reflection and small group conversations with others that you may or may not know. The exchanges are open to anyone. Join on your own or bring a friend. The goal is for each individual to leave with new insights and ways to move forward with a commitment to change.

Example of Themes Covered: Socialized Identities

Socialized Identities are parts of our identity that are externally imposed (“How do others perceive me?”) and internally constructed (“How do I identify myself?”). Each one of us receive certain advantages and disadvantages based on our social identities, whether we are conscious of them or not. And some aspects of our identity and experiences hold more power and influence than others, particularly when shaped by race. This session will introduce participants to key concepts and frameworks to explore ways to think about their socialized identity using individual reflection and small group exchange.


About the Facilitators / Guides.

Sonya Kaleel (she/her/hers) is an anti-racist leader and changemaker in service of equity, justice, and inclusion. Sonya has been deconstructing her privilege for over 20 years and continues to explore what it means as a white-presenting Arab American / cis-gendered / able-bodied / hetero / womanist and humbled by the role of being a later-in-life mom and spouse nourishing a multiracial family.

Yasmin Marrero (she/her/hers) is a first-generation Afro-Latina American originally from the West Bronx, NYC. As leadership and empowerment coach with a background in behavioral neuroscience and organizational change, she empowers individual to live a life that rooted in what they deeply desire and overcome inherited beliefs that stand in their way.

Matt Sabouri (he/him/his) is a change leader and self-efficacy coach. In addition to developing leaders and facilitating organizational change, Matt has spent years working towards social equity causes and unpacking his own privilege. Matt's mother was white and his father immigrated to the United States from Iran. He identifies as white-passing, cis-gendered, able-bodied, male, queer, and as a body-positive activist.

They believe another world is possible and we have an opportunity to dream and shape it with a lens toward equity and justice. This work requires awareness and understanding of our individual roles to be in action, every day, no matter how big or small.


 A commitment to social justice requires a moral and ethical attitude toward equality and possibility and a belief in the capacity of people to transform their world.

Paulo Freire, Educator, Philosopher and Author of Pedagogy of the Oppressed


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