Tools to Walk the Talk
Allyship in Action
Right now your allies need you to show up! And perhaps you are not sure what to do or where to start. Or perhaps you don’t want to be offensive or make a mistake. You want to be an ally, but could use some guidance.
About. This engaging learning series is designed to provide individuals with the foundation to move you through a journey of bystander to Allyship with strengthened agency and confidence. The focus is on action, starting from your reality. You will take part in a facilitator led-sessions to gain context on key terminology and learn how the invisible nature of systemic inequities are perpetuated so that you know how to disrupt them. Topics covered include handling micro-aggressions, amplifying voices or when to step aside and just be a listener. Part of the series is doing your own fieldwork and practice applying what you learned as it relates to your reality. Options available for delivery across an organization.
Objectives. The overarching goal is to provide tools to actively respond to and support those colleagues, community members and friends who need YOU to show up now.
Build awareness on Allyship and what it means to be an effective Ally in your organization and community.
Provides a brave space to explore difficult topics like race, privilege and oppression
Practice using tools to move from awareness to action and being accountable
Leave with practical steps that will support commitment to action that can be taken immediately
You don’t need to be the perfect Ally, just demonstrate that you are committed to being accountable.